Why another Delphi Link List ? Many good Delphi link lists exist. However: - some have redundant links
- some are protected (you cannot download the full list with the text and the anchor links)
- many are not up to date
The pages included
We included all pages which we would like to read, as a Delphi Developer. However, we did NOT include very general pages, like - Google or other search engines
- Adobe Acrobat, Zip, Microsoft, Sun ...
Some huge component (Torry, Delphi Super Page, SourceForge) or parper sites (Borland) are well known and not much covered here. We are heavily biased for SOURCE CODE, so we removed many (but not all) "commercial only" Delphi product links.
The validation rules Those are the steps we used: - we sorted the list by URL
- each entry contains
- the key (the url)
- the title
- any text we found
- all entries with non existent domains (DNS request) were removed
- the remaining entries were automatically queried by an HTTP engine
- the inexistent links were removed (error 404)
- the redirected links (error 3xx) were updated, and the search restarted
- the found pages were accessed and examined:
- the false links ("domain for sales", travel agencies or worse) removed
- any outrageously pop-up ridden (like many "tripod" sites) sites removed
- any pure hackerz (delphi crackz, rulez etc) links removed
- pages without ANY mention to Delphi, and not of obvious usefulness to a
Delphi programmer were removed (copy protection, telephony etc)
- the description text was rewritten
The presentation Among the features we tried to present:
- the last date found on the page, if any (not the creation date)
- the presence of upleasant features (popup ads, popup windows, ActiveX, membership requirements, excessive advertising / true content ratio,
Internet Explorer "back" button blocker, "save" blocker, animation, moving rulers, redirections)
- source code content