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Delphi DBX4 programming - Felix John COLIBRI.

1 - RAD Studio 2007 and the dbExpress 4 framework

With Delphi 2007, CodeGear introduced the Dbx4 driver framework. This is a major undertaking which will
  • bring the drivers in the Object Pascal world,
  • allow single source driver development for the Win32 and .Net worlds which will reduce the driver development effort (for CodeGear and third party driver writers), and will benefit to us by allowing Codegear to concentrate on other database areas, like tooling (the Data Explorer, for instance)
Dbx4 is at the driver level, and the data acess layer on top of it should not be affected. So if you used dbExpress for instance, nearly nothing will change.

Nevertheless, Dbx4 programming as such has lots of benefits, like:

  • writing our own tools (Data Explorers etc)
  • allowing database tracing and pooling of your code
  • writing Unit Tests

We will present here:
  • the .INI configuration files - connecting to a database
  • reading and writing data using Dbx4
  • tracing database calls using a tracing delegate driver
  • pooling database connections using a pooling delegate driver
  • handling database metadata

2 - Dbx4 .INI Configuration files


The driver parameters and the connection parameters are kept in two .INI files, located under
  c:\Shared Documents\Rad Studio\dbExpress\


Those .INI files can be displayed and modified using NOTEPAD (simply click on them), or by a Delphi program.

Since we are going to do some modifications of the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI, I would strongly recommend that you save your original .INI files before running our examples. Simply copy and paste them in any other directory.

We can retrieve the .INI locations from the Windows Registry with the following functions:

function f_connections_ini_file_nameString;
  var l_c_registryTRegistry;
    Result:= TDBXConnectionFile;
    l_c_registry:= TRegistry.Create;
      l_c_registry.RootKey:= HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
      if l_c_registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(TDBXRegistryKey)
        then Result:= l_c_registry.ReadString(TDBXRegistryConnectionValue);
  end// f_connections_ini_file_name

function f_drivers_ini_file_nameString;
  var l_c_registryTRegistry;
    Result:= TDBXDriverFile;
    l_c_registry:= TRegistry.Create;
      l_c_registry.RootKey:= HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
      if l_c_registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(TDBXRegistryKey)
        then Result:= l_c_registry.ReadString(TDBXRegistryDriverValue);
  end// f_drivers_ini_file_name

2.2 - Displaying the .INI in a Delphi project

We can load those .INI files in any tStrings. In our case, we used a tMemo.Lines

So let's start the Delphi project
   create a new project: "Files | New | Vcl Forms Application Win32" and rename it "connection_ini"
   drag and drop a tMemo on the Form
   drag and drop a tButton on the Form, create its OnClick event and write the code to load the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI in the Memo1.Lines:

procedure TForm1.drivers_ini_Click(SenderTObject);
  end// drivers_ini_Click

   compile, run, click "connections_ini"
   the .INI is displayed


Displaying the DBXDRIVERS.INI is just as simple.

2.3 - Displaying the connection names

We can display all the connection names using the tDbxConnectionFactory.GetConnectionItems method.

In our case
   drop a tListBox on your tForm, and a tButton which loads the connection names:

procedure TForm1.display_connection_names_Click(SenderTObject);
  end// display_connection_names_Click

   compile, run, click "display_connection_names_"
   the list of all connection names is displayed:


2.4 - Get connection parameters

Once we have a connection name, we can read the corresponding .INI section. Several possibilities are available:
  • use a tIni file and read the section
  • use the tDbxAdmin CLASS to
  • use the tDbxProperties CLASS

2.4.1 - Read the tIni section

This is the most "classic" way of handling .INIs:
   drop a tButton, drop a tMemo, and, using the selected connection name, display the section for this connection:

procedure TForm1.connection_listbox_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_c_ini_fileTMemIniFile;
    PageControl1.ActivePage:= connection_;

    l_c_ini_file:= TMemIniFile.Create(f_connections_ini_file_name);

    with connection_listbox_ do
      l_selected_connection_name:= Items[ItemIndex];
    Caption:= l_selected_connection_name;

  end// connection_listbox_Click

   run and click "display_connection_names_" and then "IBCONNECTION"
   the list of all connection parameters is displayed:


2.4.2 - Using IConnectionAdmin

To make the handling of DBXCONNECTIONS.INI easier, the Dbx4 framework offers the IConnectionAdmin, which is located at

  C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\source\database\src\pas\dbx\vcl

Looking at the sources, you will see that it simply uses tIni files. It contains

  • an IConnectionAdmin INTERFACE, with methods like GetConnectionParams, GetDriverNames, ModifyConnection, AddConnection etc
  • a tConnectionAdmin CLASS, which implements this INTERFACE
  • a singleton GetConnectionAdmin which retrieves an IConnectionAdmin

So here is an simple example:
   drop a tButton and another tMemo. In the OnClick of the tButton, retrieve the IConnectionAdmin singleton and use it to display the parameters:

procedure TForm1.connection_admin_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_selected_connection_nameString;
    with connection_listbox_ do
      l_selected_connection_name:= Items[ItemIndex];

    l_c_connection_params:= tStringList.Create;

    l_i_connection_admin:= GetConnectionAdmin;
    with l_i_connection_admin do

  end// connection_admin_Click

2.4.3 - Using tDbxProperties

We can also use the tDbxProperties CLASS which has been created to handle the connection parameters as a CLASS. Such objects can be used in many Dbx4 methods, instead of sending several separate parameters. As usual with object parameters, it will enable future modification of the attribute list, without having to change the methods which use this object.

Among the attributes, you will find User, Password, DriverName.

To display those values:

  • we use the TDBXConnectionFactory CLASS
  • to get an instance of this CLASS, we call the TDBXConnectionFactory.GetConnectionFactory STATIC CLASS METHOD
  • the result of such a call is a TDBXConnectionFactory instance
  • this instance is then used to get the properties of a connection, by calling the GetConnectionProperties(my_connection_string)
  • the properties are stored in a tWideStringS (the WideString equivalent of a tStringList, defined in the WIDESTRINGS.PAS UNIT).
  • this WideString list contains "key=values" lines, and the value corresponding to a key can be retrieved using the Values PROPERTY.
  • We the could use the 'User_Name' string litteral. To make this more robust, Pascal constants have been defined. And to encapsulate those CONSTs, they have been defined in a CLASS:

                           // ... ooo ...
                         end// TDBXPropertyNames

    So, instead of using 'User_Name', we simply use tPropertyNames.UserName

To recap, we can get the user name with the following code snippet:

var my_dbx_connection_factoryTDBXConnectionFactory;

my_dbx_connection_factory:= TDBXConnectionFactory.GetConnectionFactory;


with my_dbx_connection_properties do
  my_user:= Values[TDBXPropertyNames.UserName];

And here is our example:
   add another tButton and display a couple of properties in the tMemo already used by IConnectionAdmin, for instance:

procedure display_connection_properties(p_connection_nameString);
  var l_selected_connection_nameString;
    with connection_listbox_ do
      l_selected_connection_name:= Items[ItemIndex];

    l_c_dbx_connection_factory:= TDBXConnectionFactory.GetConnectionFactory;



    with l_c_dbx_connection_properties do
      // ...
    end// with l_c_dbx_connection_properties
  end// display_connection_properties

   run and click "display_connection_names_", "IBCONNECTION" and then "properties_"
   the list of all connection parameters is displayed:


Please note that

  • do not be put off by the apparent complexity of this example. We only presented it to show some of the Pascal Object Oriented techniques which were systematically used in order to build a solid, reusable, expansible framework. We are here at miles away from the traditional C pointer and blind casting techniques usually present in database driver code
  • the tDbxProperties can also be used to handle driver properties, and therefore the TDBXPropertyNames also contains litteral names useful only for drivers, like VendorLib or Port, which have no meaning for connections
  • we did not display all properties. So this display is not as complete as simply dumping the .INI section

2.5 - Creating a new connection

When you install RAD Studio 2007, DBXCONNECTIONS.INI already contains some default connections, with some reasonable values. The DatabaseName for instance, "DATABASE.GDB" does not correspond to any existing database.

To be able to connect to our own databases, we need either to modify the default connections, or, better, add our own new connections.

Entering a new connection can be performed in several ways

  • we can use NOTEPAD, copy the complete default connection section, say [IBCONNECTION], paste it and modify the parameters to fit our own database. This naturally works, but is tedious and error prone
  • use the Data Explorer
  • create the connection by code

2.5.1 - Create a connection with the Data Explorer

The Data Explorer is the third tab (red arrow) in the top-right Notebook pane:
   in the top-right pane, select the DataExplorer tab
   the available drivers are presented (Ed: shrinked desktop for our display):


  • there are 2 categories of drivers
    • dbExpress drivers, with the usual BlackfishSql, Interbase (the green arrow), MySql, Oracle, SqlServer, etc
    • Ado.Net drivers, with Oracle, SqlServer, and BlackfishSql "in process" and "out of process"

To add a new connection, the technique has not changed since Delphi 2005:
  • we select a driver node in the Data Explorer
  • then "right-click | Add new connection" opens a connection editor, which we use to enter the connection name and parameters

Here is how we create a new EMPLOYEE_7 connection
   we copied the EMPLOYEE.GDB sample database to one of our directories (to avoid modifying this sample database) and rename it EMPLOYEE_7.GDB
   select "dbExpress | Interbase" and "right click | Add New Connection"
   the connection name dialog is presented
   type the connection name. For Instance dbx_employee_jds


and click "Ok"

   the new "dbExpress | Interbase | employee_7" node is added to the Data Explorer

   to initialize the connection parameters, select this EMPLOYEE_7 node, and "right click | modify connection"

   a connection dialog is displayed with the default IBCONNECTION values:


  • the database name: the full EMPLOYEE_7.GDB path. In our case:


  • the user name : SYSDBA
  • the password : masterkey
and click "Ok" to save those settings

   to test the connection, select this connection again, and "right click | modify connection | Test Connection"

   the connection succeeds:


Click "Ok"

   you may also modify other connection parameters, using the "connection dialog | Advanced" button (the yellow arrow):

   all the properties are displayed



  • the connection string is displayed at the bottom (purple arrow). You may copy and paste this connection in some occasions
click "Ok", "Ok"

2.5.2 - New connection by modifying a clone

To create a connection by code, we can copy the values of some of the properties.

An easy solution is to use the tMemo where we displayed any connection parameter, let the user modify some of them, and overwrite or add this modified parameter list. So basically this amounts to tIni hacking.

Here is the code:
   in the Tabsheet with the parameter display, add a tEdit which will by default contain the selected connection name, but can be modified by the user
   add a tButton which will
  • overwrite the previous connection if the edit contains the same name as the tListbox selected Item
  • append another connection if this is not the case
Here is this simple code:

procedure TForm1.save_connection_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_c_dbxconnection_listtStringList;

  procedure append_connection(p_new_connection_nameString);
    var l_key_indexInteger;
      with l_c_dbxconnection_list do

        with connection_memo_ do
          for l_key_index:= 0 to Lines.Count- 1 do
            l_the_line:= Lines[l_key_index];
            if Trim(Lines[l_key_index])<> ''
              then begin
          end// with connection_memo_, for l_key_index
      end// with l_c_dbxconnection_list
    end// append_connection

  procedure modify_connection(p_selected_connection_nameString);
    var l_connection_positionInteger;
      with l_c_dbxconnection_list do
        l_connection_position:= IndexOf('['p_selected_connection_name']');

        l_list_index:= l_connection_position+ 1;
        while l_list_indexCount do
          l_the_line:= Strings[l_list_index];
          if (Length(l_the_line)> 0) and (l_the_line[1]= '[')
            then Break
            else Delete(l_list_index);
        end// while l_connection_position

        with connection_memo_ do
          for l_key_index:= 0 to Lines.Count- 1 do
            l_the_line:= Lines[l_key_index];
            if Trim(Lines[l_key_index])<> ''
              then begin
          end// with connection_memo_, for l_key_index
      end// with l_c_dbxconnection_list
    end// modify_connection

  var l_key_indexInteger;

  begin // save_connection_Click
    with connection_memo_ do
    with connection_listbox_ do
      l_selected_connection_name:= Items[ItemIndex];
    l_edit_connection_name:= connection_name_edit_.Text;

    Caption:= l_selected_connection_name;

    l_c_dbxconnection_list:= tStringList.Create;
    with l_c_dbxconnection_list do

      if l_edit_connection_name<> l_selected_connection_name
        then append_connection(l_edit_connection_name)
        else modify_connection(l_selected_connection_name);


    end// with l_c_dbxconnection_list
  end// save_connection_Click

   run and click "display_connection_names_"
   you will notice that our new EMPLOYEE_7 is displayed in the connection name listbox
   select "EMPLOYEE_7"
   its parameters are displayed in the Memo, and the new connection edit contains this default name
   modify the new connection name. For instance NEW_EMPLOYEE_7
   change some parameters. For instance change the password to "my_pass"


Note that

  • in the .ZIP attached source code, we also performed some sanity checks before writing into the .INI (checking that all lines contain "=" or start with ";" etc)
  • we will not be able to see the new connection in the connection name listbox, because this list is cached in memory. Do refresh the name list, we must open and close the tDbxConnectionFactory, which will be shown below
  • CAUTION: our updating of the .INI somehow removed comment lines. In .DBXCONNECTIONS.INI files, a comment line starts with a semi-colon.
    So please do SAVE YOUR ORIGINAL .INI before running our examples

2.5.3 - New Connection with iConnectionAdmin

We can also build a new connection by calling iConnectionAdmin.AddConnection(my_driver). Since the parameter is a driver name, we will load them in a tListBox. Here is the code:
   drop another tListbox on the form, and an tButton. In the tButton.OnClick, load the driver names:

procedure TForm1.driver_names_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_i_connection_adminIConnectionAdmin;
    l_i_connection_admin:= tConnectionAdmin.Create;

    // -- optional
    with driver_listbox_ do
      ItemIndex:= Items.IndexOf('interbase');
  end// driver_names_Click

Note that the initialization of the ItemIndex to the Interbase name is, of course, optional

   optionally also, create the tListbox.OnClick and display the driver parameters:

procedure TForm1.driver_names_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_i_connection_adminIConnectionAdmin;
    l_i_connection_admin:= tConnectionAdmin.Create;

    // -- optional
    with driver_listbox_ do
      ItemIndex:= Items.IndexOf('interbase');
  end// driver_names_Click

   add a tEdit to let the user enter the new connection name
   add a tButton, and in its OnClick create the new connection:

procedure TForm1.create_connection_entry_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_selected_driver_nameString;
    with driver_listbox_ do
      l_selected_driver_name:= Items[ItemIndex];
    l_new_connection_name:= new_connection_edit_.Text;

    l_i_connection_admin:= tConnectionAdmin.Create;

    with l_i_connection_admin do
      // -- (p_connection, p_driver)
  end// create_connection_entry_Click

   run and click "driver_names_"
   the driver properties are displayed


   click "create_connection_entry_"
   an entry with the default driver parameters is added

2.6 - Testing a connection - tDbxConnection

The simplest way to test the connection is to open it.

We certainly could use any data access component (tIbDatabase, tSqlConnection, tAdoConnection etc). However, Dbx4 also offers its own set for opening a connection, reading and writing data from and to the database.

A tDbxConnection instance is created much in the same way as the tDbxProperties instance:

  • we retrieve a tDbxConnectionFactory instance
  • this tDbxConnectionFactory is used to call GetConnection(my_connection_name)
Here is a code snippet:

var my_dbx_connection_factoryTDBXConnectionFactory;

my_dbx_connection_factory:= TDBXConnectionFactory.GetConnectionFactory;

And the code:
   add a tButton a the bottom of the connection name list, and in its OnClick event, open the connection using a tDbxConnection instance:

procedure TForm1.connect_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_selected_connection_nameString;

    with connection_listbox_ do
      l_selected_connection_name:= Items[ItemIndex];



    end// try ... finally
  end// connect_Click

   run and click "display_connection_names_ | EMPLOYEE_7" and "connect_"
   the connection is opened (we colored the tPanel in green when the connection suceeds)


Please note

  • there is another overloaded tDbxConnectionFactory.GetConnection using three parameters:

    my_dbx_connection:= my_dbx_connection_factory.

  • the GetConnection call returns a tDbxConnection instance AND opens the connection. There is a PROTECTED tDbxConnection.Open, but this is precisely called internally during the GetConnection call
  • to close the connection, we simply free the tDbxConnection
  • to test whether a connection is open, we call the tDbxConnection.IsOpen FUNCTION
  • we could collapse the separate calls into a chained call like this:

    WITH TDBXConnectionFactory
        . GetConnectionFactory
        . GetConnectionProperties(my_connection_nameDO
      // -- do some handling with the connection here
      // -- ... ooo ... 


    but this elegant one-liner is rather obscure when we start Dbx4 programming

2.7 - Deleting a connection

To remove a connection, we can
  • use the Data Explorer, select the connection in the TreeView and "right click | Delete Connection"
  • use the iConnectionAdmin which has a DeleteConnection method
  • load the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI and erase the section

Here is the code using the tIni.EraseSection technique:
   near the "connect_" button, add a "delete_" button, and in its OnClick event, load the .INI, erase the section, and flush the .INI back to disc:

procedure TForm1.delete_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_selected_connection_nameString;
    with connection_listbox_ do
      l_selected_connection_name:= Items[ItemIndex];

    l_c_ini_file:= TMemIniFile.Create(f_connections_ini_file_name);



    // -- update the connection list

  end// delete_Click

   run and click "display_connection_names_ | OTHER_EMPLOYEE_7" and "delete_"
   the connection is removed and the connection list refreshed

Note that
  • to force a refresh of the connection name list, we opened and closed the tDbxConnectionFactory. This works with a local variable, since the GetConnectionFactory is a singleton method which returns the same connection factory as the one used to list the connection names.

    By the same token, we could still use the one-liner connection code displayed above, since GetConnectionFactory will return the same singleton instance

3 - Reading and Writing data: tDbxCommand, tDbxReader

3.1 - tDbxConnection, tDbxCommand, tDbxReader

The tDbxConnection allows us to establish a connection. After connecting, we can also execute Sql requests by creating a tDbxCommand:

var my_dbx_commandTDBXCommand;

my_dbx_command:= g_c_dbx_connection.CreateCommand;

To read Table rows

  • Using this command, we initialize the tDbxCommand.Text property with any SELECT request
  • a call to tDbxCommand.ExecuteQuery will return a tDbxReader object
  • we can read the rows with calls to the boolean tDbxReader.Next FUNCTION: the first call fetches the first row, and the boolean becomes False when Next is called after all rows have been fetched
  • column values are accesses by indexing the tDbxReader.Values object, and eventually converting this value object into a more convenient type, for instance using GetAnsiString
Here is a code snippet:

var my_dbx_readerTDBXReader;

my_dbx_command.Text:= 'SELECT * FROM country';
my_dbx_reader:= my_dbx_command.ExecuteQuery;

while my_dbx_reader.Next do
  for my_column_index:= 0 to my_dbx_reader.ColumnCount - 1 do
    // ... ooo do something with the column value

Here is the code sample. First let's We will start a new project:
   create a new project: "Files | New | Vcl Forms Application Win32" and rename it "dbx_connect"
   to allow the user to select his connection, drop a tButton and a tListBox on the tForm and duplicate the connection selection code from the previous project
   add a tButton which will open the connection and initialize a global tDbxConnection variable

Now we will display the COUNTRY Table (this is the most easy, least constrained table in the EMPLOYEE.GDB database: no CHECKs, no TRIGGERs, no CONSTRAINTs etc, just the first column as a PRIMARY KEY):
   drop a tButton on the Form, create its OnClick event which will use a tDbxCommand to get a tDbxReader:

procedure read_table(p_sql_requestWideString);
  var l_c_dbx_transactionTDBXTransaction;

    l_c_dbx_command:= g_c_dbx_connection.CreateCommand;

      l_c_dbx_command.Text:= p_sql_request;
      l_c_dbx_reader:= l_c_dbx_command.ExecuteQuery;

      while l_c_dbx_reader.Next do
        l_row_string:= '';

        for l_column_index:= 0 to l_c_dbx_reader.ColumnCount - 1 do
          if l_row_string<> ''
            then l_row_string:= l_row_string' | ';
          l_row_string:= l_row_string
              + l_c_dbx_reader.Value[l_column_index].GetAnsiString;
        end// for l_column_index
      end// while l_c_dbx_reader.Next

    end// try ... finally
  end// read_table

procedure TForm1.select_from_country_Click(SenderTObject);
    read_table('SELECT * FROM country');
  end// select_from_country_Click

   run, select the connection (if the default is not appropriate, click "connect_", click "select_from_country_"
   the snapshot is the following:


3.2 - Parametrized Queries

We can also use parametrized Queries
  • we build a SQL request string using the question mark ( "?" ) for parameter tokens in the WHERE clause
  • we create a tDbxCommand, and
    • for each "?", we create a tDbxParameter, filling its properties (mainly type, size)
    • we add the parameters by calling tDbxCommand.AddParameter()
  • we send this request to the server by calling my_dbx_command.Prepare
  • once the values of the parameters are known, we can
    • set the value of the parameters, using a tDbxParameter.Value.Set_xxx(my_value)
    • call tDbxCommand.ExecuteQuery to retrieve a tDbxReader which can be used for displaying the result

The preparation should look like this:

var my_dbx_commandTDBXCommand;

my_dbx_command:= my_dbx_connection.CreateCommand;
my_dbx_command.Text:= 'SELECT * FROM country WHERE currency= ?';

my_dbx_parameter:= my_dbx_parametrized_command.CreateParameter;
with my_dbx_parameter do
  DataType:= TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType;
  // -- ... ooo ... eventually Size, Precision, Scale etvc
end// with my_dbx_parameter


and the execution:

var my_dbx_readerTDBXReader;

my_dbx_reader:= my_dbx_parametrized_command.ExecuteQuery;
// -- ... ooo ... use the reader

And for the code:
   add a tButton which prepares the request, with, for instance, a one parameter request:

const k_parametrized_select=
        'SELECT *'
     +  '  FROM country'
     +  '  WHERE currency= ?';

var g_c_dbx_parametrized_commandtDbxCommandNil;

procedure TForm1.prepare_Click(SenderTObject);
    g_c_dbx_parametrized_command:= g_c_dbx_connection.CreateCommand;
    g_c_dbx_parametrized_command.Text:= k_parametrized_select;

    g_c_dbx_parameter:= g_c_dbx_parametrized_command.CreateParameter;

    with g_c_dbx_parameter do
      DataType:= TDBXDataTypes.AnsiStringType;

    end// with g_c_dbx_parameter

  end// prepare_Click

   add a tEdit for the unknown value and a tButton which will initialize the parameter value, send the request, and display the result:

procedure TForm1.execute_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_c_dbx_readerTDBXReader;

      l_c_dbx_transaction:= g_c_dbx_connection.BeginTransaction();
        l_c_dbx_reader:= g_c_dbx_parametrized_command.ExecuteQuery;
        on eException do

      while l_c_dbx_reader.Next do
        l_row_string:= '';
        for l_column_index:= 0 to l_c_dbx_reader.ColumnCount - 1 do
          if l_row_string<> ''
            then l_row_string:= l_row_string' | ';
          l_row_string:= l_row_string
              + l_c_dbx_reader.Value[l_column_index].GetAnsiString;
        end// for l_column_index
      end// while l_c_dbx_reader.Next

  end// execute_Click

   run, select the connection (if the default is not appropriateà, click "connect_", click "prepare_", enter a value and click "execute_"
   the snapshot is the following:


Note that

  • a this stage, we would naturally start factorizing some parts, like displaying the tDbxDataReader values in some common code, possibly in a c_dbx_class, as we did in the BDP or Ado.Net tutorials
  • instead of parametrized queries, we could also use "dynamic queries", where we build the query request string by concatenating the values at runtime
  • once we know how to use parametrized queries, we can also build master detail requests
  • we should also take care of freeing the global variables

3.3 - Writing data

We can execute any writing SQL request (data definition, like CREATE TABLE or data manipulation like INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE by calling the very same tDbxCommand.ExecuteQuery

   Here is how we insert a new row into the COUNTRY Table, where we added an additional Rollback in the EXCEPT part:

procedure execute_sql_statement(p_sql_requestWideString);
  var l_c_dbx_database_metadataTDBXDatabaseMetaData;
      l_c_dbx_transaction:= g_c_dbx_connection.BeginTransaction();

        l_c_dbx_command:= g_c_dbx_connection.CreateCommand;
        l_c_dbx_command.Text:= p_sql_request;

        if Assigned(l_c_dbx_command)
          then l_c_dbx_command.Free;
      on EException do
        display_bug_stop('exception 'e.Message);
    end// try except
  end// execute_sql_statement

procedure TForm1.insert_into_Click(SenderTObject);
  const k_insert_request'INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%s, %s)';
  var l_insert_requestString;
    l_insert_request:= Format(k_insert_request,
         QuotedStr('Europe'), QuotedStr('Euro')]);
  end// insert_into_Click

   the snapshot of inserting and displaying is:



  • in the .ZIP code, we also added a CREATE TABLE example
  • there also exists a tDbxCommand.ExecuteUpdate

4 - dbExpress 4 Delegate Drivers

4.1 - Tracing and Pooling

Dbx4 allows us to very easy add tracing and connection pooling to our code.

This is done by chaining the usual Dbx4 driver with a tracing (or pooling) driver. This chaining, calling delegating, is performed by simply adding a line in the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI entry of our driver. Each call to any PROTECTED and PUBLIC methods of the Dbx4 CLASSEs will then be derived to the delegate driver, which does some handling (displaying traces or managing a connection pool) before handing over the control to the usual method.

4.2 - Tracing our code

4.2.1 - The Default connections

Looking at the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI, we will find the default DBXTRACECONNECTION tracing connection name:


To be able to trace our Dbx4 activities, all we have to do is to add a reference to this connection name in our connection entry.

Here is our EMPLOYEE_7 entry:

interbase transisolation=ReadCommited
trim char=False

If we want to add tracing, all we have to do is to add

interbase transisolation=ReadCommited
trim char=False

To be able to toggle tracing, we can

  • either clone the traceless connection, rename this new connection, for instance EMPLOYEE_7_TRACE, and add the "DelegateConnection=" line
  • or add the "DelegateConnection=" to our original entry, and comment this line out with a semi-colon when we do not want to trace
RAD Studio prepared all the connection entries with this tracing line. For instance, the Oracle connection name looks like:

DataBase=Database Name
Oracle TransIsolation=ReadCommited
OS Authentication=False
Multiple Transaction=False
Trim Char=False
Decimal Separator=.

So RAD Studio allows you to easily switch between tracing or not tracing by editing the .INI with NOTEPAD, and removing or inserting this ";".

In our example, we prefer to use separate connection names, but this is not an obligation.

4.2.2 - Trace result in a log file

By default, the output of the log will be redirected to a CONSOLE window.

We can save the trace in a file, by delegating our driver to a file-tracing driver:

  • the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI must contain the file-tracing unit, which looks like this:


    Please note that:

    • the DBXTRACECONNECTION_W_FILE connection name is irrelevant, as long as it is a valid identifier. FOO would also be acceptable.
    • the "TraceFile= ..." allows us to specify the disk file name of the output
  • our connection must now include a delegating reference to this connection

    Here is our EMPLOYEE_7_TRACE_W_FILE entry:

    interbase transisolation=ReadCommited
    trim char=False

4.2.3 - The Tracing example

We will start a new project to experiment this tracing capability. So let's prepare this new project:
   create a new project: "Files | New | Vcl Forms Application Win32" and rename it "dbx_tracing"
   to allow the user to select his connection, drop a tButton and a tListBox on the tForm and duplicate the connection selection code from the previous project
   add a tButton which will open the connection and initialize a global tDbxConnection variable
   also add the "connect_" button, as well as the "delete_" connection entry button, and the tMemo with the connection entry updating handling (see our previous example)
This is of course already prepared in our tracing .ZIP source code

We also added the possibility to create the _TRACE and _TRACE_W_FILE connection entries with a simple button click. Since those are, again, boring .INI manipulation, we will not detail them in the paper. Please refer to the source code.

Here is the snapshot of this _TRACE possibility:


You may notice however that to avoid duplication in the main project, we added two helper units:

  • the U_C_DBX4_INI unit contains all the Dbx4 .INI handling

    const k_default_trace_file_name'dbx_trace.txt';

    type c_dbx4_connections_ini=

             Constructor create_dbx4_connections_ini(p_nameString);

             function f_is_readonly_connection(p_connection_nameString): Boolean;
             function f_delete_section(p_connection_nameString): Boolean;

             function f_append_new_section(p_connection_nameString;
                 p_c_connection_parameterstStrings): Boolean;
             function f_update_section(p_connection_nameString;
                 p_c_connection_parameterstStrings): Boolean;
             function f_update_or_append_section(p_connection_nameString;
                 p_c_connection_parameterstStrings): Boolean;

             procedure append_dbx4_file_trace_connection(
             procedure write_string(p_sectionp_keyp_valueString);

             Destructor DestroyOverride;
           end// c_dbx4_connections_ini

    function f_connections_ini_file_nameString;
    function f_drivers_ini_file_nameString;

    procedure refresh_connection_factory;

    procedure get_connection_parameter_list(p_connection_nameString;
    function f_is_valid_parameter_list(
        p_c_connection_parameterstStrings): Integer;

  • the U_C_DBX4 somehow factorizes the DbxCommand handling:

    procedure read_and_display_table(p_c_dbx_connectiontDbxConnection;
    procedure execute_sql_statement(p_c_dbx_connectiontDbxConnection;

If you do not want to use our .INI handling, you could copy the entries presented above and paste them in the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI file.

Now the tracing part:
   add a tCheckBox which allows the user to select tracing or not
   add a tButton "connect__" which will select the EMPLOYEE_7 or EMPLOYEE_7_W_FILE connection and will open this connection

var g_connection_nameString'EMPLOYEE_7';

function f_s_connection_nameString;
    Result:= g_connection_name;

    if Form1.trace_.Checked
        if    f_end_is_equal_to(g_connection_name'_TRACE')
          else begin
              if Trim(Form1.log_file_name_edit_.Text)= ''
                then Result:= g_connection_name'_TRACE'
                else Result:= g_connection_name'_TRACE_W_FILE';
  end// f_w_connection_name

function f_c_dbx_connection(p_connection_nameString): tDbxConnection;
  var l_c_dbx_connection_factoryTDBXConnectionFactory;
    l_c_dbx_connection_factory:= TDBXConnectionFactory.GetConnectionFactory;
    l_c_dbx_connection_properties:= l_c_dbx_connection_factory.GetConnectionProperties(p_connection_name);
    Result:= Nil;

    Result:= l_c_dbx_connection_factory.GetConnection(l_c_dbx_connection_properties);
  end// do_connect

procedure TForm1.connect__Click(SenderTObject);
    g_c_dbx_connection:= f_c_dbx_connection(f_s_connection_name);

    display('< connect__Click');
  end// connect_Click

  • a tButton which will open a Table using a tDbxCommand and a tDbxDataReader, as explained in the previous example
  • a tButton which disconnects the tDbxConnection
  • another tButton which loads the .TXT trace file in a tMemo
   compile and run
   if you click "connect__", "dbx_select_table_", you will have the same behaviour as in the previous example.
   if you check "trace_", click "connect__", "dbx_select_table_", Dbx4 will generate a .TXT with the trace on disc.

To load this file, click "disconnect_" and "display_trace_"

   here is a snapshot:


A complete listing of this trace is:

Log Opened ==========================================
{CONNECT } ConnectionC1.Open;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1 := ConnectionC1.CreateCommand;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1.CommandType := 'Dbx.SQL';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1.CommandType := 'Dbx.SQL';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1.Text := 'SELECT * FROM country';
{PREPARE } CommandC1_1.Prepare;
{COMMAND } ReaderC1_1_1 := CommandC1_1.ExecuteQuery;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_2 := ConnectionC1.CreateCommand;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_2.CommandType := 'Dbx.MetaData';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_2.Text := 'GetIndexes
"C:\programs\us\db\dbx4\_data\employee_7.gdb"."sysdba"."COUNTRY" ';
{COMMAND } ReaderC1_2_1 := CommandC1_2.ExecuteQuery;
{READER } {ConstraintName TDBXTypes.WIDESTRING }
{READER } {IsPrimary TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{READER } {IsUnique TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{READER } {IsAscending TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{COMMAND } CommandC1_3 := ConnectionC1.CreateCommand;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_3.Text :=
'GetIndexColumns "C:\programs\us\db\dbx4\_data\employee_7.gdb"."sysdba"."COUNTRY" ';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_3.CommandType := 'Dbx.MetaData';
{COMMAND } ReaderC1_3_1 := CommandC1_3.ExecuteQuery;
{READER } {Ordinal TDBXTypes.INT32 }
{READER } {IsAscending TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{READER } { ReaderC1_3_1 closed. 1 row(s) read }
{COMMAND } FreeAndNil(CommandC1_3);
{READER } FreeAndNil(ReaderC1_3_1);
{READER } { ReaderC1_2_1 closed. 1 row(s) read }
{READER } FreeAndNil(ReaderC1_2_1);
{COMMAND } FreeAndNil(CommandC1_2);
{READER } { ReaderC1_1_1 closed. 15 row(s) read }
{READER } FreeAndNil(ReaderC1_1_1);
{COMMAND } FreeAndNil(CommandC1_1);

4.2.4 - Tracing dbExpress activity

So far we have only used Dbx4 components. However, the Dbx4 layer is a "driver layer", below the usual component access layers.

For instance the standard DbExpress components, like SqlConnection, SqlDataset, DataProvider, ClientDataSet are still available with the new Dbx4 framework.

Lets first set up the standard dbExpress suite:
   from the "Tools Palette | dbExpress" tab drop an tSqlConnection on the Form
To make sure that your connection entries are correct
  • double click on SqlConnection1 and select one of the connections. In our case, EMPLOYEE_7:


    and click "Ok"

  • in the Object Inspector, toggle LoginPrompt to False, LoadParamsOnConnect to True and Connected to True. If this does not work, check your connection and start again
   from the "Tools Palette | dbExpress" drop a tSqlDataSet, and
  • in the Object Inspector set SqlConnection to SqlConnection1
  • CommandType to ctQuery
  • click the ... ellipsis to open the Command Text Editor


    and enter the "SELECT * FROM country" request, then click "Ok"

  • toggle Active to True to check the Sql syntax
   from the "Tools Palette | Data Access" tab, drop a tDataSetProvider and initialize DataSet to SqlDataSet1

   from the "Tools Palette | Data Access" tab, drop a tClientDataSet and initialize ProviderName tDataSetProvider1

To check all links, toggle Active to True

   from the "Tools Palette | Data Access" tab, drop a tDataSource and initialize DataSet to ClientDataSet1

   finally, from the "Tools Palette | Data Controls" tab, drop a tDbGrid, and initialize DataSource to DataSource1

   the data should be displayed in DbGrid1:


All we have achieved so far is to demonstrate the dbExpress works with the new Dbx4 framework. Fine.

Now the tracing part:
   drop a tButton and set the tSqlConnection to whatever connection was selected at runtime (EMPLOYEE_7, EMPLOYEE_7_TRACE or, better, EMPLOYEE_7_TRACE_W_FILE). Here is the code:

procedure TForm1.sql_connection_open_Click(SenderTObject);
    with SqlConnection1 do

      ConnectionName:= f_s_connection_name;
    end// with SqlConnection1
  end// sql_connection_open_Click

where the f_s_connection_name returns whatever connection was selected (see above)

   drop a tButton, and open the tSqlDataSet with whatever connection was open:

procedure TForm1.sql_dataset_open_Click(SenderTObject);
    with SqlConnection1 do

      ConnectionName:= f_s_connection_name;
    end// with SqlConnection1

  end// sql_dataset_open_Click

   and do the same for the tClientDataSet:

procedure TForm1.client_dataset_open_Click(SenderTObject);
    with SqlConnection1 do
      ConnectionName:= f_s_connection_name;
    end// with SqlConnection1


  end// client_dataset_open_Click(

   compile and run
   check "trace_", and, clicking "sql_dataset_open" will produce a trace, that you can display by clicking "disconnect_" and "display_trace_":


The detailed trace is:

Log Opened ==========================================
{CONNECT } ConnectionC1.Open;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1 := ConnectionC1.CreateCommand;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1.CommandType := 'Dbx.SQL';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1.CommandType := 'Dbx.SQL';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_1.Text := 'SELECT * FROM country';
{PREPARE } CommandC1_1.Prepare;
{COMMAND } ReaderC1_1_1 := CommandC1_1.ExecuteQuery;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_2 := ConnectionC1.CreateCommand;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_2.CommandType := 'Dbx.MetaData';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_2.Text :=
'GetIndexes"C:\programs\us\db\dbx4\_data\employee_7.gdb". "sysdba"."COUNTRY" ';
{COMMAND } ReaderC1_2_1 := CommandC1_2.ExecuteQuery;
{READER } {ConstraintName TDBXTypes.WIDESTRING }
{READER } {IsPrimary TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{READER } {IsUnique TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{READER } {IsAscending TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{COMMAND } CommandC1_3 := ConnectionC1.CreateCommand;
{COMMAND } CommandC1_3.Text := 'GetIndexColumns "C:\programs\us\db\dbx4\_data\employee_7.gdb"."sysdba"."COUNTRY" ';
{COMMAND } CommandC1_3.CommandType := 'Dbx.MetaData';
{COMMAND } ReaderC1_3_1 := CommandC1_3.ExecuteQuery;
{READER } {Ordinal TDBXTypes.INT32 }
{READER } {IsAscending TDBXTypes.BOOL }
{READER } { ReaderC1_3_1 closed. 1 row(s) read }
{COMMAND } FreeAndNil(CommandC1_3);
{READER } FreeAndNil(ReaderC1_3_1);
{READER } { ReaderC1_2_1 closed. 1 row(s) read }
{READER } FreeAndNil(ReaderC1_2_1);
{COMMAND } FreeAndNil(CommandC1_2);
{READER } { ReaderC1_1_1 closed. 1 row(s) read }
{READER } FreeAndNil(ReaderC1_1_1);
{COMMAND } FreeAndNil(CommandC1_1);

4.3 - Pooling

4.3.1 - Connection Pooling

Pooling allows users to use any tDbxConnection contained in a pool
  • we prepare a pool of some size, say 20
  • when new tDbxConnections are needed, they are created and added to the pool
  • if more than 20 connections are required, the call is placed on hold
  • if one of the 20 users closes the connection, the connection is made available for a waiting user

This is how we can implement a pool
  • the default DBXCONNECTIONS.INI contains a DbxPool driver:


  • let's take our EMPLOYEE_7 connection:

    interbase transisolation=ReadCommited
    trim char=False

  • to use pooling, we simply delegate EMPLOYEE_7 to DBXPOOLCONNECTION:

    interbase transisolation=ReadCommited
    trim char=False

4.3.2 - Dbx4 Pooling example

We will start a new project for pooling:
   create a new project: "Files | New | Vcl Forms Application Win32" and rename it "dbx_pooling"
   add the connection handling similar to those used for tracing (connection display, addition of _POOL connection), or, alternately, add the EMPLOYEE_7_POOL connection entry in the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI

To test the pool we first will open and close connection several times in a row:
  • without pooling, the connection has to be built from scratch every time
  • with pooling, we have to create the first connection, and this connection is then reused for the next connection requests

Here is the example
   drop two tRadioButton which will allow the user to use a standard or a _POOLed connection
   drop a tButton and name it "connect_disconnect_". In its OnClick event, write a FOR loop which connects and disconnects, and display the tick count of this operation

procedure TForm1.connect_disconnect_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_iteration_maxl_iterationInteger;
    l_iteration_max:= StrToInt(iteration_edit_.Text);
    l_save_start_tick:= GetTickCount;
    l_connection_name:= f_s_connection_name;

    for l_iteration:= 0 to l_iteration_max - 1 do
      with TDBXConnectionFactory

    display(l_connection_name' '
        + IntToStr(GetTickCount - l_save_start_tick));
  end// connect_disconnect_Click

   run, select "no_pooling_", click "connect_disconnect_"
   a tick count of 8078 is displayed
   select "pool_" and click "connect_disconnect_"
   a tick count of 79 is displayed:


  • when we start the iteration, we see, at the bottom of the IDE. When we run the benchmark from the disc .EXE, the figure are smaller. Notice that those figure are not too stable: running the test again will produce some different value. Nevertheless there nearly is a tenfold decrease in tick count with pooling
  • having used Delphi 6 for Interbase 6, I must say that this speed of connection / disconnection is quite remarkable.

4.3.3 - Filling up a pool

In the previous example we used only one connection, recycling this connection at each iteration.

We naturally can increase the connection requested by avoiding to close them just after opening them. We simply call several tDbxConnection.Open in a row.

Here is the example:
   add a "fill_connection_list_" button, which creates a tList and adds several tDbxConnections (without closing them) to this list:

procedure TForm1.fill_connection_list_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_connection_nameString;
    l_connection_name:= f_s_connection_name;

    l_iteration_max:= StrToInt(iteration_edit_.Text);
    if (Pos('ib'LowerCase(l_connection_name))>= 0)
        and (l_iteration_max> 4)
      then l_iteration_max:= 4
        if (Pos('jds'LowerCase(l_connection_name))>= 0)
            and (l_iteration_max> 20)
          then l_iteration_max:= 20;

    iteration_edit_.Text:= IntToStr(l_iteration_max);

    l_c_connection_list:= tList.Create;

    l_save_start_tick:= GetTickCount;

    for l_iteration:= 0 to l_iteration_max - 1 do

    display(l_connection_name' '
        + IntToStr(GetTickCount - l_save_start_tick));

    for l_iteration:= 0 to l_iteration_max - 1 do
  end// fill_connection_list_Click

   run, select "no_pooling_", click "connect_disconnect_" and then select "pool_" and click "connect_disconnect_"
   the tick count is displayed:


Please note

  • our original iteration count was 100, but the project raised an exception when we reached 4, because this is our default license count for Interbase
  • we then switched to BlackfichSql, and now hit the 20 license limit
  • this explains our maximum connection count in our example. You may of course remove this adjustment if you have more licenses
  • because of the limited pool size, the tick difference is not very important. But building a bigger pool would obviously show the pooling benefit.

4.4 - Delegate chaining

4.4.1 - Chaining tracing and pooling

We now can stack the delegates one upon the other, for instance use tracing AND pooling. To do so
  • first we create


  • then we delegate the Interbase driver to this pool / trace driver:

    interbase transisolation=ReadCommited
    trim char=False

And here is the code:
   add both connection entries for this delegate chaining
   add a "trace_" tRadioButton and a "pool_trace_" one and add the code to select the corresponding connections

   run, select "no_pooling_", click "connect_disconnect_" and then select "trace_pool_" and click "connect_disconnect_"
   the tick count is displayed:


4.4.2 - Connection entries relations

A connection entry in DBXCONNECTIONS.INI
  • always has a "drivername=" line. Those drivers are implemented by Delphi code
  • might have a "delegateconnection=" to use delegation
Here is a presentation of those connection entries:



  • the drivers are not in DBXCONNECTIONS.INI, but we added them to understand the relations
  • the blue part are intermediate entries
  • at the bottom our four Interbase drivers

4.5 - Delegation

Delegation is a quite general mechanism. It somehow looks like interrupt chaining (long ago, under DOS) or COM interception: we redirect the control flow to our routines, which call the original handling before or after our own delegate handling

With Dbx4, we can also write our own delegates. We could, for instance, add a thread safety delegate which would use critical sections of whatever to enclose each thread-unsafe Dbx4 calls.

5 - Dbx4 Metadata

5.1 - The Metadata layer

In order to implement the Dbx4 framework, some schema information had to be retrieved from each database. Instead of nesting those information in each database specific driver, Dbx4 implements a generic metadata layer, which was enriched to fit each of the target databases. This represents nearly 25 % of the driver writing effort.

This metadata layer can then be used

  • by Delphi tools, like the Data Explorer
  • for our own database utilities, like listing all tables, all stored procedures etc
  • for unit test generation

5.2 - Displaying Database Schema information

To initialize a tSqlDataset component, we must set the following PROPERTYes
  • Connection (to a tSqlConnection)
  • the CommandType (to ctQuery, ctTable, ctStoredProcedure)
  • the CommandText (with the Sql request, or the stored procedure name)
Dbx4 expanded this list with additional CommandTypes.

Basically, the different command types are defined in

  C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\source

where there are the command type string constants encapsulated in a CLASS:

    end// TDBXCommandTypes

When we select specify the tSqlDataSet.CommandType ctQuery, the Delphi IDE also updates the tSqlDataSet.DbxCommandType with Dbx.Sql:


and, in fact, the .DFM only contains the DbxCommandType:

        SchemaName = 'sysdba'
        CommandText = 'SELECT * FROM country'
        DbxCommandType = 'Dbx.SQL'
        MaxBlobSize = -1
        Params = <>
        SQLConnection = SQLConnection1
        Left = 224
        Top = 88

For a Dbx.MetaData command type, there are several commands:

    end;// TDBXMetaDataCommands

    end// TDBXMetaDataCommandsEx

Finally, in order to display, as a Table, the metadata information, we can

  • initialize a tSqlConnection to one of our connections
  • initialize a tSqlDataSet, setting the following PROPERTYes
    • SqlConnection to our tSqlConnection
    • DbxCommandType to Sql.MetaData
    • CommandText to one of the possible meta data command

And here comes the code:
   create a new project: "Files | New | Vcl Forms Application Win32" and rename it "dbx_metadata"
   add the connection initialization with the ListBox, or hard code your connection name
   add a "connect_" button
   add a tListBox, rename it "command_type_listbox_", and a tButton which will fill the listbox with all available command types:

procedure TForm1.fill_types_Click(SenderTObject);
  end// fill_types_Click

   drop a "commands_listbox_" tListbox, and in the OnClick display all available commands for the selected command type:

procedure TForm1.command_type_listbox_Click(SenderTObject);
    with command_type_listbox_ do
      g_command_type:= Items[ItemIndex];

  end// command_type_listbox_Click

   drop the standard tSqlConnection, tSqlDataSet, tDataProvider, tClientDataset, tDataSource, tDbGrid, and happily link all those fellers together
   create the commands_listbox_ OnClick event, which will update a tSqlDataset with both DbxCommandType and CommandText:

procedure TForm1.commands_listbox_Click(SenderTObject);
  var l_commandString;
    with commands_listbox_ do
      l_command:= Items[ItemIndex];

    ClientDataSet1.Active:= False;

    SQLConnection1.ConnectionName:= g_connection_name;
    SqlConnection1.LoginPrompt:= False;
    // -- don't forget this one !!!
    SQLConnection1.LoadParamsOnConnect:= True;

    SQLConnection1.Connected:= true;

    SQLDataSet1.DbxCommandType:= g_command_type;
    SQLDataSet1.CommandText:= l_command;

    ClientDataSet1.Active:= true;
  end// commands_listbox_Click

   run, click "connect_", "fill_dbx_command_types_", select Sql.Metadata, and in the commands listbox, select one of the metadata, for instance "Table"
   here is the snapshot:


5.3 - Other Metadata use

The Dbx4 metadata information can be used any time we need some schema information. For instance, to check whether a database can handle transactions, we could write:

procedure execute_sql_statement(p_c_dbx_connectiontDbxConnection;
  var l_c_dbx_database_metadataTDBXDatabaseMetaData;
    if p_c_dbx_connection.IsOpen
          l_c_dbx_command:= Nil;
            if l_c_dbx_database_metadata.SupportsTransactions
              then l_c_dbx_transaction:=

              l_c_dbx_command:= p_c_dbx_connection.CreateCommand;
              l_c_dbx_command.Text:= p_sql_request;

              if l_c_dbx_database_metadata.SupportsTransactions
                then p_c_dbx_connection.CommitFreeAndNil(l_c_dbx_transaction);
              if l_c_dbx_database_metadata.SupportsTransactions
                then p_c_dbx_connection.

              if Assigned(l_c_dbx_command)
                then l_c_dbx_command.Free;
            on EException do
              display_bug_stop('exception 'e.Message);
          end// try except
        end // IsOpen
  end// execute_sql_statement

5.4 - Writing Metadata

In the Dbx4 framework, reading and writing metadata have been separated:
  • reading is for schema retrieval
  • writing is used to create new database object.
Writing could be used to create items for testing purposes, for instance. This includes table creation and parametrized queries initialization.

However, at this date (17 september 2007), this metadata writing capability is only available for the Vcl. Net personality (not the Win32 personality)

5.5 - Unit Testing

Unit testing has been extensively used by CodeGear to check the framework. For the database part, essentially dUnit was used, since this unit testing is available both for Vcl. Net personality and Win32 personality.

To improve this unit testing, some database extensions were added to the dUnit framework, including:

  • DropTable
  • FreeOnTearDown, which will trigger freeing the object when the TearDown dUnit method is called
And to test the Table values, DataGenerators were added as well.

Download the DbExpress 4 demos sources

Here are the source code files:

The .ZIP file(s) contain:
  • the main program (.DPR, .DOF, .RES), the main form (.PAS, .DFM), and any other auxiliary form
  • any .TXT for parameters, samples, test data
  • all units (.PAS) for units
Those .ZIP
  • are self-contained: you will not need any other product (unless expressly mentioned).
  • will not modify your PC in any way beyond the path where you placed the .ZIP (no registry changes, no path creation etc).
To use the .ZIP:
  • create a C:\PROGRAMS\US\DB\ folder and unzip them there. You can also unzip them in another directory, but you will have to change the search pathes
  • unzip the downloaded file
  • using Delphi, compile and execute
To remove the .ZIP simply delete the folder.

The Pascal code uses the Alsacian notation, which prefixes identifier by program area: K_onstant, T_ype, G_lobal, L_ocal, P_arametre, F_unction, C_lass etc. This notation is presented in the Alsacian Notation paper.

As usual:

  • please tell us at if you found some errors, mistakes, bugs, broken links or had some problem downloading the file. Resulting corrections will be helpful for other readers
  • we welcome any comment, criticism, enhancement, other sources or reference suggestion. Just send an e-mail to
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7 - References and documentation on the Web

Among the available resources on the Web:

8 - The author

Felix John COLIBRI works at the Pascal Institute. Starting with Pascal in 1979, he then became involved with Object Oriented Programming, Delphi, Sql, Tcp/Ip, Html, UML. Currently, he is mainly active in the area of custom software development (new projects, maintenance, audits, BDE migration, Delphi Xe_n migrations, refactoring), Delphi Consulting and Delph training. His web site features tutorials, technical papers about programming with full downloadable source code, and the description and calendar of forthcoming Delphi, FireBird, Tcp/IP, Web Services, OOP  /  UML, Design Patterns, Unit Testing training sessions.
Created: sep-07. Last updated: dec-15 - 99 articles, 220 .ZIP sources, 1068 figures
Copyright © Felix J. Colibri 2004 - 2015. All rigths reserved
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