Some general Delphi resources:
- Rad Studio Dephi Technical Resources : some programmer's links - videos, in depth articles with
sources, manuals, demonstration programs, trainings
- The creation of Turbo Pascal : the insider story about the creation of Turbo Pascal
- Delphi INDUC A virus anatomy : presentation of the INDUC A virus which spreads by compiling Delphi programs. The technique, the source code, the evaluation
- FireMonkey Styles : changing styles for all or for some components, the Style Designer, content of a .STYLE file, setting then StyleLookup property, predefined styles.
- Delphi Xe3 Info : what's known so far about Delphi Xe3 : FireMonkey FM2, Windows 8 Metro and Metropolis, DataBindings, Mac
OsX, the future Mobile Studio and Html5 Builder. WinRt: native or not ? Delphi Pro Database licensing changes
- iOs Preview Webminar Summary : summary
of this webminar - mobile marketing, the global demos, the database (SqLite, Interbase, DataSnap), Indy RSS Rest Reader for DelphiFeeds