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Here are some Object Oriented Programming and Component tutorials and projects:

  • Delphi Virtual Constructor : VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTORS together with CLASS references and dynamic Packages allow the separation between a main project and modules compiled and linked in later. The starting point for Application Frameworks and Plugins
  • Delphi Generics Tutorial : using Generics (parameterized types) in Delphi : the type parameter and the type argument, application of generics, constraints on INTERFACEs or CONSTRUCTORs
  • Why Generics Constraints : are generics constraints absolutely necessary to compile generic source code into binary code ? In short flexibility vs security.
  • Delphi LiveBindings Spelunking : analysis of the architecture of the Delphi LiveBindings : how the tBindingExpression compiles a String expression to build an environment referencing objects which can be evaluated to fill component properties. Dump of the pseudo code and UML Class Diagram of the LiveBinding architecture
Created: mar-07. Last updated: jul-15 - 98 articles, 131 .ZIP sources, 1012 figures
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