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Here are some Asp.Net applications:

  • delphi_asp_net_portal_programming : presentation, architecture and programming of the Delphi Asp Net Portal. This is a Delphi version of the Microsoft ASP.NET Starter Kit Web Portal showcase. With detailed schemas and step by step presentation
  • cassini_spy : an ASP.NET utility displaying the content of the packet flowing between Internet Explorer and CASSINI
  • asp_net_log_file : a logging CLASS allowing to monitor the Asp.Net events, mainly used for undesrtanding, debugging and journaling Asp.Net Web applications
  • asp_net_viewstate_viewer : an ASP.NET utility displaying the content of the viewtate field which carries the request state between Internet Explorer and the IIS / CASSINI Servers
  • Asp.Net 2.0 Master Pages the new Asp.Net 2.0 allow us to define the page structure in a hierarchical way using Master Pages and Content Pages
  • Delphi Asp.Net 2.0 Databases : displaying and writing InterBase and Blackfish Sql data using Dbx4, Ado.Net Db and AdoDbxClient. Handling of ListBox and GridView with DataSource components
  • Asp.Net 2.0 Security: Users, Roles and Profiles : Asp.Net 2.0 offers a vaslty improved support for handling security: new Login Controls, and services for managing Users, grouping Users in Roles, and storing User preferences in Profiles
Created: mar-06. Last updated: jul-15 - 98 articles, 131 .ZIP sources, 1012 figures
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