
Editorial - 14 February 2020

  • Updated Training Calendar: the next available dates are:

     Interbase Client Server Training 
     9 to 11 november 
     Rave Reports Training 
     18 to 19 october 

    If you have more urgent needs, or wish some custom training or support (in the Pascal / Delphi / Database / Internet / Socket development domain), please contact as at 

  • Delphi in Perspective for the 25th anniversary, rememberings: the first encounter, the context, evolution of the framework, the future

  • Delphi Image Resizing : resizing JPG images using the Graphics32 library. Load the JPEG, possibly rotate it, scale it, save it as a .PNG or .JPG

  • Rest Web Services OAuth2 Tutorial : Delphi DropBox Rest Service Client using the OAuth2 protocol. Implemented with the tRestClient Delphi components or Indy tIdHttp component. Get the DropBox token, list the files, download and upload files

  • Delphi Sorted tListView: a tListview sortable by clicking on the header, with string / numeric justification and column sizing

  • Directory Favorite List : a tListBox allowing quick selection of the current tDirectoryListbox directory

  • Delphi IDE Pathes : How to include a Unit for compilation, loading in the Editor or debugging: the Windows environment PATH, the RSVARS.BAT $(BDS), the Registry pathes, the "Tools | Environment | Library" and "Project | Option" pathes. Package pathes.

  • Oracle Express Installation : installing the Oracle Express Server and the Instant Oracle Client. Step by step installation and checking, finally using Delphi and FireDac to display the Scott / Tiger EMP table

  • Delphi String Fitlter : a filter used for selecting pathes and file names based on a simple AST interpreter of a simple boolean string expression: "sale export OR 2018_01" accepts "2018_02_sales_exports.pdf" and rejects "2018_02_production.pdf"

  • Colibri Hiragana Quiz : a quiz to accelerate the learning of the Japanese Hiragana alphabet. The user selects a subrange of the 46 characters, a random question is presented and the answer has to be selected among 3* 3 possible solutions. 3 versions: romaji to hiragana, hiragana to romaji, sound to hiragana. Success statistics are computed for each character.

  • Delphi Mobile Point of Sale Software : Android tablet or smartphone point of sale application using a WIFI connection to a DataSnap REST Server connected with FireDac to a FireBird database

  • DevExpress tDx to unicode tCx migration using a tool which splits the forms into single grid form in order to build, fine tune and test the .DFM / .PAS transformation tool.

  • the BERLIN 10.1 Paris conference, organized by Barsten - Tms Frameword Neutral Components, App Tethering, Tablet Point of sale software using FireDac, DataSnap, Rest and FireMonkey

  • DevExpress tCx equivalents of tDx components : simple tDx to tCx equivalent list to help migrating old tDx applications to the current tCx version

  • Delphi FireDac Connection : setting up a FireDac connection : using Delphi code, using the FdDrivers.Ini and FdConnectionDefs.Ini files at design time and run time. The Firedac Connection architecture

  • BDE to UniDac Migration : migrating from BDE to Unidac : the Unidac Wizard, differences between BDE and Unidac, points to watch, using database unit tests to verify the migration

  • Interbase / Firebird transaction Simulator the transaction simulator uses either scripts or random commands to simulate the Firebird database versioning system and the result of the simulator are checked with Firebird's outputs. Read committed and Snapshot transactions are presented. Some remarks about long transactions and Interbase / Firebird slowdown caused by transactions

  • First FireDAC Delphi Xe3 Application : FireDAC Multi-Device Data Access Library : installation, first Delphi XE3 application with a tAdConnection and tAdQuery

  • Delphi iOs Preview Webminar Summary : summary of this Delphi Mobile Studio webminar - mobile marketing, the global demos, the database (SqLite, Interbase, DataSnap), Indy RSS Rest Reader for DelphiFeeds

  • Delphi Xe3 Info : what's known so far about Delphi Xe3 : FireMonkey FM2, Windows 8 Metro and Metropolis, DataBindings, Mac OsX, the future Mobile Studio and Html5 Builder. WinRt: native or not ? Delphi Pro Database licensing changes and counter-changes

  • I'm a Delphi Evangelist : Embarcadero included me in their "Embarcadero Community Evangelist" program. I will therefore gain access to some information about the comming products as well as additional material and demos. This certainly will be very userfull to publish the artilces presented here. Thanks to Embarcadero for this help.

  • FireMonkey Style Explorer : create tFmxObjects from their class name, create their default style, display their child style herarchy in a tTreeView, present each style element in an Object Inspector which can be used to change the property values.

  • Simple FireMonkey Object Inspector : building a FireMonkey Object Inspector which presents the components of the Form and displays their property names an values and allows the user to modify them at runtime. Comments about our first FireMonkey project.

  • FireMonkey Architecture : the basic tComponent <- tFmxObject <- Fmx.tControl <- tStyledControl hierarchy. Firemonkey UML Class diagram, and short feature description.

  • Delphi LiveBindings Spelunking : analysis of the architecture of the Delphi LiveBindings : how the tBindingExpression compiles a String expression to build an environment referencing objects which can be evaluated to fill component properties. Dump of the pseudo code and UML Class Diagram of the LiveBinding architecture

  • FireMonkey Styles : changing styles for all or for some components, the Style Designer, content of a .STYLE file, setting then StyleLookup property, predefined styles.

  • Mouse and Keyboard Events Record and Playback : record and playback all mouse and keyboard messages : all windows messages are saved in a list (or a file) and can be replayed on the spot or later. A must for debugging VCL controls, event logging, keyboard macros or computer based training. Includes a readable format which can be used for SendKey / SendClicks replays, simulations or unit test.

  • tMPlayer: Delphi Video Player : source code of a video player that we can customize. PLaying, among others, MP4 and WMV. Very nice for the upcoming XE previews and video conferences.

  • Code Central Search : find source code projects, code snippets, products, videos about Delphi from CodeGear's Code Central, using this full text search engine

  • Delphi WIN32 INDUC A virus anatomy : presentation of the INDUC A virus which spreads by compiling Delphi programs. The technique, the source code, the evaluation of the threat. How to prevent, detect, and remove the virus.

  • Cooking the Code : a source code filtering utility which removes unwanted rows, selected code blocs and single or multi-line comments. Complete with Unit Test.

  • Treeview .HTML Help Viewer : the use of a Treeview along with a WebBrowser to display .HTML files alows both structuring and ordering of the help topics. This tool was used to browse the Delphi PRISM Wiki help.

  • MyUtf : Unit Test Framework : the MyUtf framework has a very simple structure (two lists), while still keeping all the traditional Unit Test functionality. A starting point for getting into Unit Test, understanding the underlying architecture, or as a seed for improving or transforming the tool for any non-invasive part of a project monitoring.

  • Gnostice mentioned our Pdf / Rave article during their CodeRage III conference. Thanks you, Girish Patil.

  • Rave Reports Video : Download the .SWF file (Shockwave Flash) of our CodeRage III presentation: architecture, the first tDataSet report, page inheritance and modular reports, column header and footer with totals, master detail reports with sub totals, .PDF output with Rave and downloading .PDFs using VCL for the Web (IntraWeb).

  • Why Generics Constraints : are generics constraints absolutely necessary to compile generic source code into binary code ? In short flexibility vs security.

  • Rave Reports Training 2 day in depth hands-on Rave Reports training course : architecture, tabular and single record by page tDataSet report, visual inheritance and modular reports, header, footer with totals, master detail reports, handling events, chaining pages, propagating computations, Delphi code reports, managing the output from Delphi, .PDF or .HTML outputs, downloading .PDFs using VCL for the Web (IntraWeb)

  • The creation of Turbo Pascal : the insider story about the creation of Turbo Pascal

  • updated Delphi Source Code download page the list of the .ZIP file source codes is now synched (automatically generated) with the publication of each new article. Currently, 61 articles and 164 .ZIP files.

  • Embarcadero ER Studio : a quick tour of ER/Studio, an Entity RelationShip designer from Embarcadero, the company which just purchased Delphi (well, CodeGear). Presents how to create a new model, reverse engineer a database, create sub-models, generate reports, import metadata, switch to Dimensional Model

  • Custom Delphi Training : custom tailored trainings to master or upgrade towards Client Server, Multi Tier, dbExpress, Ado or IbExpress access components, Delphi object oriented programming, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Internet development

  • Bayesian Spam Filter : presentation and implementation of a spam elimination tool which uses Bayesian Filtering techniques which adapt filtering to your e-mail profiles. A hope in the fight against unsollicited e-mails

  • Delphi Generics Tutorial : using Generics (parameterized types) in Delphi : the type parameter and the type argument, application of generics to CLASSes, RECORDs, ARRAYs, procedural types, PROCEDURE OF OBJECT, methods, INTERFACEs. Constraints on INTERFACEs or CONSTRUCTORs. 12 complete examples.

  • Rave, .PDF and Intraweb : how to produce PDF reports using Rave, and have an Intraweb site generate and display .PDF pages, with multi-user access

  • Rad Studio 2007 Databases Training : Using the new Rad Studio databases: the Dbx4 layer- the BlackFisk Sql engine, the DbExpress access components, Ado.Net Provider components - Asp.Net - Reporting and .XML handling

  • Rad Studio Dephi Technical Resources : a list of Rad Studio 2007 programmer's resources - videos, in-depth articles with sources, manuals, demonstration programs, trainings

  • Asp.Net 2.0 Security: Users, Roles and Profiles : Asp.Net 2.0 offers a vaslty improved support for handling security: new Login Controls, and services for managing Users, grouping Users in Roles, and storing User preferences in Profiles

  • Delphi Asp.Net 2.0 Databases : displaying and writing InterBase and Blackfish Sql data using Dbx4, Ado.Net Db and AdoDbxClient. Handling of ListBox and GridView with DataSource components

  • Asp.Net 2.0 Master Pages the new Asp.Net 2.0 allows us to define the page structure in a hierarchical way, with Master Pages and Content Pages, which use page inheritance, very similar to Form inheritance

  • Intraweb linked our Architecture article in their Intraweb English Article List

  • Shockwave Flash Player : build your own ShockWave Flash movie Player, with pause, custom back and forward steps, snapshots, resizing. Designed for analyzing .SWF demos.

  • AJAX Tutorial : writing an AJAX web application. How AJAX works, using a JavaScript DOM parser, the Indy Web Server, requesting .XML data packets - Writing an integrated development project

  • BlackfishSql : using the new BlackfishSql standalone database engine of RAD Studio 2007 (Win32 and .Net) : create the database, create / fill / read Tables, use Pascal User Defined Functions and Stored Procedures

  • Delphi DbExpress 4 programming : the new dbExpress 4 framework for RAD Studio 2007 : the configuration files, how to connect, read and write data, using tracing and pooling delegates and metadata handling

  • CapableObjects: lightning fast reaction after uploading our ECO III Tutorial, we contacted Jesper HOGSTROM to tell him about it. Well, it took them less than 2 days to get it referenced in their ECO Tutorials page.

  • the Intraweb Architecture : the architecture of the Intraweb web site building tool. Explains how Delphi "rad html generator" work, and presents the CLASS organization (UML Class diagrams)

  • the Alsacian Notation : using identifier prefixes like k_constant, t_type, g_global, l_local, p_parameter. Presentation, rationale and benefits.

  • ECO Tutorial : Writing a simple ECO application: the UML model, the in memory objects and the GUI presentation. We also will show how to evaluate OCL expressions using the EcoHandles, and persist the data on disc

  • Delphi Web Designer : a tiny Delphi "RAD Web Designer", which explains how the Delphi IDE can be used to generate .HTML pages using the Palette / Object Inspector / Form metaphor to layout the page content

  • DLL and Process Viewer : analyze and display the list of running processes, with their associated DLLs and Memory mapped files (a so called "Process Walker")

  • Delphi Virtual Constructor : VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTORS together with CLASS references and dynamic Packages allow the separation between a main project and modules compiled and linked in later. The starting point for Application Frameworks and Plugins

  • Using InterBase System Tables : description of the main Tables, with their relationship and presents examples of how to extract information from the schema

  • EXE DLL PE Explorer : presents and analyzes the structure and content of .EXE and .DLL files. The starting point for extracting resources, spying .DLL function calls or injecting additional functionalities

  • Interbase Stored Procedure Grammar : The BNF Grammar of the Interbase Stored Procedure. This grammar can be used to build stored procedure utilities, like pretty printers, renaming tools, Sql Engine conversion or ports

  • Component to Code : generate the component creation and initialization code by analyzing the .DFM. Handy to run new library demos without installing components on the Palette

  • Delphi Asp.Net Portal Programming : presentation, architecture and programming of the Delphi Asp Net Portal. This is a Delphi version of the Microsoft ASP.NET Starter Kit Web Portal showcase. With detailed schemas and step by step presentation, Sql Scripts and binaries of the Database

  • reading newsgroup articles:
    • Threaded Indy News Reader : a NewsReader which presents the articles sorted by thread and in a logical hierarchical way. This is the basic Indy newsreader demo plus for each thread, a tree organization of messages
    • News Message Tree : how to build a tree of the NNTP News Messages. The downloaded newsgroup messages are displayed in tListBox by message thread (topic), and for each thread the messages are presented in a tTreeView. This UNIT is used in the threaded newsreader

  • Craig STUNTZ, one of the Delphi / Interbase Heavyweights (teamb), references our Turbo Delphi Interbase tutorial in his blog dated Dec 11. Many thanks !

  • RSS Reader : this projects lets you download and view the content of an .RSS feed (the entry point into somebody's blog) in a tMemo or a tTreeView. Comes complete with an .HTML downloader and an .XML parser. And, as ususal, the references and links to other Delphi tools and papers

  • We have a Blog ! : still somewhat thin, this blog allows to find papers by date or category. We are also proud to have been included in the 50 blogs monitored by DelphiFeeds.

  • Turbo Delphi Interbase tutorial: develop database applications with Turbo Delphi and Interbase. Complete ADO Net architecture, and full projects to create the database, the Tables, fill the rows, display and update the values with DataGrids. Uses the BDP

  • ADO .Net Tutorial a complete Ado Net architectural presentation, and projects for creating the Database, creating Tables, adding, deleting and updating rows, displaying the data in controls and DataGrids, using in memory DataSets, handling Views, updating the Tables with a DataGrid

  • BDP Ado.Net Blobs with Turbo Delphi : reading and writing Blob fields with the BDP. Display in a TextBox and synchronising with a DataGrid

  • ASP.NET development:
    • Asp.Net Viewstate Viewer: an ASP.NET utility displaying the content of the viewtate field which carries the request state between Internet Explorer and the IIS / CASSINI Servers
    • Asp.Net Log File : a logging CLASS allowing to monitor the Asp.Net events, mainly used for undesrtanding, debugging and journaling Asp.Net Web applications
    • CASSINI SPY : an ASP.NET utility displaying the content of the packets flowing between Internet Explorer and CASSINI

Article with Source code - Delphi Training Courses

database reverse engineering Extraction of the Database Schema by analyzing the content of the application's .DFMs
sql parser Parsing SQL requests in Delphi, starting from an EBNF grammar for SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE
ado net tutorial a complete Ado Net architectural presentation, and projects for creating the Database, creating Tables, adding, deleting and updating rows, displaying the data in controls and DataGrids, using in memory DataSets, handling Views, updating the Tables with a DataGrid
turbo delphi interbase tutorial develop database applications with Turbo Delphi and Interbase. Complete ADO Net architecture, and full projects to create the database, the Tables, fill the rows, display and update the values with DataGrids. Uses the BDP
bdp ado net blobs BDP and Blobs : reading and writing Blob fields using the BDP with Turbo Delphi
interbase stored procedure grammar Interbase Stored Procedure Grammar : The BNF Grammar of the Interbase Stored Procedure. This grammar can be used to build stored procedure utilities, like pretty printers, renaming tools, Sql Engine conversion or ports
using interbase system tables Using InterBase System Tables : The Interbase / FireBird System Tables: description of the main Tables, with their relationship and presents examples of how to extract information from the schema
firebird transaction simulator Interbase / Firebird transaction Simulator : the transaction simulator uses either scripts or random commands to simulate the Firebird database versioning system and the result of the simulator are checked with Firebird's outputs. Read committed and Snapshot transactions are presented. Some remarks about long transactions and Interbase / Firebird slowdown caused by transactions
interbase client server course InterBase Client Server training course: structure, creation of the database, creation of Tables, index, display, tField, input validation, table join, writing reports, transactions, concurrent access, saving and retoring
eco tutorial Writing a simple ECO application: the UML model, the in memory objects and the GUI presentation. We also will show how to evaluate OCL expressions using the EcoHandles, and persist the data on disc
delphi ado net course Delphi ADO.NET Training Coursemanagement of Sql Server, Oracle, Interbase data bases with ADO.NET, the Borland Database Provider, ASP.NET applicatinons, Services Web and Remote Objets using ADO.NET
delphi dbx4 programming the new dbExpress 4 framework for RAD Studio 2007 : the configuration files, how to connect, read and write data, using tracing and pooling delegates and metadata handling
blackfishsql using the new BlackfishSql standalone database engine of RAD Studio 2007 (Win32 and .Net) : create the database, create / fill / read Tables, use Pascal User Defined Functions and Stored Procedures
rad studio 2007 databases training Rad Studio 2007 Databases Training Course : management of Sql Server, Oracle, Interbase data bases with Rad Studio 2007 - Dbx4 driver layer, DbExpress and ADO.NET components, the Borland Database Provider, ASP.NET applications, Rave Reports
rave pdf intraweb how to produce PDF reports using Rave, and have an Intraweb site generate and display .PDF pages, with multi-user access
rave reports training 2 day in depth hands-on Rave Reports training course : architecture, tabular and single record by page tDataSet report, visual inheritance and modular reports, header, footer with totals, master detail reports, handling events, chaining pages, propagating computations, Delphi code reports, managing the output from Delphi, .PDF or .HTML outputs, downloading .PDFs using VCL for the Web (IntraWeb)
rave reports video Rave Reports Video : download the .SWF file (Shockwave Flash) of our CodeRage III presentation: architecture, the first tDataSet report, page inheritance and modular reports, column header and footer with totals, master detail reports with sub totals, .PDF output with Rave and downloading .PDFs using VCL for the Web (IntraWeb).
embarcadero er studio Embarcadero ER Studio tutorial: how to use the Entity Relationship tool to create a new model, reverse engineer a database, create sub-models, generate reports, import metadata, switch to Dimensional Model
bde to unidac migration BDE to UniDac Migration : migrating from BDE to Unidac : the Unidac Wizard, differences between BDE and Unidac, points to watch, using database unit tests to verify the migration
first firedac application FireDAC Multi-Device Data Access Library : installation, first Delphi XE3 application with a tAdConnection and tAdQuery
delphi firedac connection setting up a FireDac connection : using Delphi code, using the FdDrivers.Ini and FdConnectionDefs.Ini files at design time and run time. The Firedac Connection architecture
oracle express installation installing the Oracle Express Server and the Instant Oracle Client. Step by step installation and checking, finally using Delphi and FireDac to display the Scott / Tiger EMP table
sql to html converting SQL ascii request to HTML format
simple web server a simple HTTP web Server and the corresponding HTTP web Browser, using our Client Server Socket library
simple cgi web server a simple CGI Web Server which handles HTML <FORM> requests, mainly for debugging CGI Server extension purposes
cgi database browser a CGI extension in order to display and modify a Table using a Web Browser
whois a Whois Client who requests information about owners of IP adresses. Works in batch mode.
web downloader an HTTP tool enabling to save on a local folder an HTML page with its associated images (.GIF, .JPEG, .PNG or other) for archieving or later off-line reading
web spider a Web Spider allowing to download all pages from a site, with custom or GUI filtering and selection.
cassini spy an ASP.NET utility displaying the content of the packets flowing between Internet Explorer and CASSINI
asp net log file a logging CLASS allowing to monitor the Asp.Net events, mainly used for undesrtanding, debugging and journaling Asp.Net Web applications
delphi asp net course Delphi ASP.NET Training Course: building Internet applications with ASP.NET: ASP.NET architecture, HTML and Web Controls, data base management with ADO.NET, Web Services and Remoting
asp net viewstate viewer an ASP.NET utility displaying the content of the viewtate field which carries the request state between Internet Explorer and the IIS / CASSINI Servers
rss reader the RSS Reader lets you download and view the content of an .RSS feed (the entry point into somebody's blog) in a tMemo or a tTreeView. Comes complete with an .HTML downloader and an .XML parser
news message tree how to build a tree of the NNTP News Messages. The downloaded messages are displayed in tListBox by message thread (topic), and for each thread the messages are presented in a tTreeView
threaded indy news reader a NewsReader which presents the articles sorted by thread and in a logical hierarchical way. This is the basic Indy newsreader demo plus the tree organization of messages
delphi asp net portal programming presentation, architecture and programming of the Delphi Asp Net Portal. This is a Delphi version of the Microsoft ASP.NET Starter Kit Web Portal showcase. With detailed schemas and step by step presentation, the Sql scripts and binaries of the Database
delphi web designer a tiny Delphi "RAD Web Designer", which explains how the Delphi IDE can be used to generate .HTML pages using the Palette / Object Inspector / Form metaphor to layout the page content
intraweb architecture the architecture of the Intraweb web site building tool. Explains how Delphi "rad html generator" work, and presents the CLASS organization (UML Class diagrams)
ajax tutorial AJAX Tutorial : writing an AJAX web application. How AJAX works, using a JavaScript DOM parser, the Indy Web Server, requesting .XML data packets - Integrated development project
asp net master pages Asp.Net 2.0 Master Pages : the new Asp.Net 2.0 allow us to define the page structure in a hierarchical way using Master Pages and Content Pages, in a way similar to tForm inheritance
delphi asp net 20 training Delphi ASP.NET 20 Training Course : building Internet applications with ASP.NET 2.0: ASP.NET architecture, HTML and Web Controls, data base management with ADO.NET, Membership, Roles and Profiles, Structuring a site with masterpages, navigation and Web Parts, Web Services and Remoting
delphi asp net 20 databases Asp.Net 2.0 and Ado.Net 2.0 : displaying and writing InterBase and Blackfish Sql data using Dbx4, Ado.Net Db and AdoDbxClient. Handling of ListBox and GridView with DataSource components
asp net 20 users roles profiles Asp.Net 2.0 Security: Users, Roles and Profiles : Asp.Net 2.0 offers a vaslty improved support for handling security: new Login Controls, and services for managing Users, grouping Users in Roles, and storing User preferences in Profiles
bayesian spam filter Bayesian Spam Filter : presentation and implementation of a spam elimination tool which uses Bayesian Filtering techniques
Web Services
rest web services oauth2 tutorial Rest Web Services OAuth2 Tutorial : Delphi DropBox Rest Service Client using the OAuth2 protocol. Implemented with the tRestClient Delphi components or Indy tIdHttp component. Get the DropBox token, list the files, download and upload files
tcp ip sniffer project to capture and display the packets travelling on the Ethernet network of your PC.
sniffing interbase traffic capture and analysis of Interbase packets. Creation of a database and test table, and comparison of the BDE vs Interbase Express Delphi components
socket programming the simplest Client Server example of TCP / IP communication using Windows Sockets with Delphi
delphi socket architecture the organization of the ScktComp unit, with UML diagrams and a simple Client Server file transfer example using tClientSocket and tServerSocket
Object Oriented Programming Components
delphi virtual constructor VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTORS together with CLASS references and dynamic Packages allow the separation between a main project and modules compiled and linked in later. The starting point for Application Frameworks and Plugins
delphi generics tutorial Delphi Generics Tutorial : using Generics (parameterized types) in Delphi : the type parameter and the type argument, application of generics, constraints on INTERFACEs or CONSTRUCTORs
why generics constraints Why Generics Constraints ? are generics constraints absolutely necessary to compile generic source code into binary code ? In short flexibility vs security.
delphi livebindings spelunking Delphi LiveBindings Spelunking : analysis of the architecture of the Delphi LiveBindings : how the tBindingExpression compiles a String expression to build an environment referencing objects which can be evaluated to fill component properties. Dump of the pseudo code and UML Class Diagram of the LiveBinding architecture
Debug and Test
unit test framework the MyUtf Unit Test Framework : this simplified unit test framework has a very simple code (two lists), while still keeping all the traditional Unit Test functionality. A starting point for getting into Unit Test, understanding the underlying architecture, or as a seed for improving or transforming the tool for any non-invasive part of a project monitoring.
UML Patterns
the lexi editor delphi source code of the Gof Editor: Composite, Decorator, Iterator, Strategy, Visitor, Command, with UML diagrams
factory and bridge patterns presentation and Delphi sources for the Abstract Factory and Bridge patterns, used in the Lexi Document Editor case study from the GOF book
gof design patterns delphi source code of the 23 Gof (GAMMA and other) patterns: Composite, Decorator, Iterator, Strategy, Visitor, Command
delphi 3d designer build a 3d volume list, display it in perspective and move the camera, the screen or the volumes with the mouse.
writing a flash player build your own ShockWave Flash movie Player, with pause, custom back and forward steps, snapshots, resizing. Designed for analyzing .SWF demos.
delphi video player tMPlayer: Delphi Video Player : source code of a video player that we can customize. PLaying, among others, MP4 and WMV. Very nice for the upcoming previews and video conferences.
delphi image resizing resizing JPG images using the Graphics32 library. Load the JPEG, possibly rotate it, scale it, save it as a .PNG
find memo a tMemo with "find first", "find next", "sort", "save" capabilities
the coliget search engine a Full Text Search unit allowing to find the files in a directory satisfying a complex string request (UML AND Delphi OR Patters)
treeview html help viewer Treeview .HTML Help Viewer : the use of a Treeview along with a WebBrowser to display .HTML files alows both structuring and ordering of the help topics. This tool was used to browse the Delphi PRISM Wiki help.
Delphi utilities
delphi net bdsproj structure and analysis of the .BDSPROJ file with the help of a small Delphi .XML parser
dccil bat generator generation of the .BAT for the Delphi DCCIL command line compiler using the .BDSPROJ
dfm parser a Delphi Project analyzing the .DFM file and building a memory representation. This can be used for transformations of the form components
dfm binary to text a Delphi Project converting all .DFM file from a path from binary to ascii format
component to code generate the component creation and initialization code by analyzing the .DFM. Handy to avoid installing components on the Palette when examining new libraries
exe dll pe explorer presents and analyzes the content of .EXE and .DLL files. The starting point for extracting resources, spying .DLL function calls or injecting additional functionalities
dll and process viewer analyze and display the list of running processes, with their associated DLLs and Memory mapped files (Process Walker)
cooking the code a source code filtering utility which removes unwanted rows, areas and comments. Complete with Unit Test.
events record and playback record and playback all mouse and keyboard messages : all windows messages are saved in a list (or a file) and can be replayed on the spot or later. A must for debugging VCL control creation or event logging. Includes a readable format which can be used for SendKey / SendClicks replays.
colibri hiragana quiz a quiz to accelerate the learning of the Japanese Hiragana alphabet. The user selects a subrange of the 46 characters, a random question is presented and the answer has to be selected among 3* 3 possible solutions. 3 versions: romaji to hiragana, hiragana to romaji, sound to hiragana.
delphi string filter a filter used for selecting pathes and file names based on a simple AST interpreter of a simple boolean string expression
directory favorite list a tListBox allowing quick selection of the current tDirectoryListbox directory
Delphi IDE
delphi ide pathes How to include a Unit for compilation, loading in the Editor or debugging: the Windows environment PATH, the RSVARS.BAT $(BDS), the Registry pathes, the "Tools | Environment | Library" and "Project | Option" pathes. Package pathes.
delphi tutorial course Delphi tutorial training: using the programming environment, the Delphi architecture, the main components
delphi 2006 for net course Delphi 2006 / 2007 for .NET Training Course: mastering Delphi 2006 development in Windows Forms and Web Form mode: .NET architecture and programming, ADO.NET database managmenet, ASP.NET applications, Web Services and .NET Remoting, ECO III, UML and Together
delphi induc a virus anatomy presentation of the INDUC A virus which spreads by compiling Delphi programs. The technique, the source code, the evaluation of the threat. How to prevent, detect, and remove the virus.
delphi xe3 info what's known so far about Delphi Xe3 : FireMonkey FM2, Windows 8 Metro and Metropolis, DataBindings, Mac OsX, the future Mobile Studio and Html5 Builder. WinRt: native or not ? Delphi Pro Database licensing changes
firemonkey styles FireMonkey Styles : changing styles for all or for some components, the Style Designer, content of a .STYLE file, setting then StyleLookup property, predefined styles.
firemonkey architecture FireMonkey Architecture : the basic tComponent <- tFmxObject <- Fmx.tControl <- tStyledControl hierarchy. Firemonkey UML Class diagram, and short feature description.
simple firemonkey object inspector Simple FireMonkey Object Inspector : building a FireMonkey Object Inspector which presents the components of the Form and displays their property names an values and allows the user to modify them at runtime
firemonkey style explorer FireMonkey Style Explorer : create tFmxObjects from their class name, create their default style, display their child style herarchy in a tTreeView, present each style element in an Object Inspector which can be used to change the property values.
Helper units
windows environment read and write Windows Environment strings
stdin stdout send and receive strings from a GUI application to a CONSOLE application
devexpress tcx equivalents of tdx simple tDx to tCx equivalent list to help migrating old tDx applications to the current tCx version
delphi sorted tlistview a tListview sortable by clicking on the header, with string / numeric justification and column sizing


Created: nov-04. Last updated: feb-2020 - 105 articles, 240 .ZIP sources, 1295 figures
Contact : Felix COLIBRI - Phone: (33) / -
Copyright © Felix J. Colibri 2004 - 2020. All rigths reserved
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